Crow’s Feet Treatment in Southampton

What is Crow’s-feet? Why do Crow’s-feet appear? And how can you get rid of them or treat them as best as possible? Crow’s-feet are the small group of wrinkles and lines that appear near the outer corner of the eyes. You may also hear people call them laughter lines. For many people, these are the first wrinkles to show on a person, and it is not uncommon for these wrinkles to start appearing during the 20’s. Why are they called Crow’s-feet? It’s because the wrinkles resemble the foot or footprint of a crow (or most birds for that matter). Imagine the heel of the crow at the outer corner of the eye with the toes pointing towards the back of the head. Why do Crow’s-feet appear? As with most lines and wrinkles, they appear because you’re making facial expressions such as squinting, frowning and smiling. When these are made repeatedly, the skin starts folding to enable the facial expression. Then every time you make these facial expressions, the skin folds in the same way. As...