Latest Technology Botox In Southampton

Have wrinkles started to appear on your face? Would you like them to disappaear? 

If so, we may be able to help you. 👍

At TreatMyWrinkles Southampton, we specialise in wrinkle treatment, and we can normally help remove even the toughest wrinkles.

Our preferred treatments are Botox and dermal fillers. But we also offer a wide range of other treatments.

So if you are looking for Botox in Southampton, we can help you.

Let's talk about Botox.

What Is Botox And How Does It Work?

Botox is a cosmetic and medical treatment based on somthing called Botulinum. Botulinum is a neurotoxin that is produced by a bacteria. This bacteria can be found practically everywhere, but it normally produces such small quantities of Botulinum that it does not cause any harm to the environment.

However, when an organism is exposed to a large dose of Botulinum, it can paralyse the muscles of that organism.

And that is why the medical and cosmetic industry has embraced Botulinum. It can help paralyse or relax local muscles.

Here is how it works:

A very small amout of diluted Botulinum is injected into a local muscle group of your face. Let's say the muscles in the outer corner of your eyes. This is where you will normally get the wrinkles called Crow's Feet.

When this Botulinum (or Botox) is injected in these muscles, the muscles become temporarily either fully or partially paralysed.

In turn, this causes you to not fold the skin like you did before when you made the same facial expressions. And when you fold the skin less, you will not contribute to the formation of these wrinkles.

Before the treatment, when you laughed and smiled you would fold the skin in the outer corner of your eyes (Crow's Feet).

After the treatmen, when you laugh and smile, you will fold the skin in this area less.   

You will still be able to make the same facial expression, you just fold the skin less than before.

And when you don't fold the skin, you will 1) not make the wrinkles worse, and 2) they will start to go away after some time.

If you are in Southampton and if you are looking for Botox in Southampton, feel free to contact us today.

You find our Botox clinic in Southampton here: 

Would You Like A Free Consultation?

Do you want to talk to us and learn more?

We are happy to offer you a 100% free consultation. We can speak on the phone or at our clinic. We can talk about what you want to achieve, what your concerns are and what you want your skin to look like.

Then we can find the right treatment for you.

Our clinicians are very experienced and super friendly. 

We are looking forward to speaking with you.

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